Simpsons Characters' Most Iconic Catchphrases
CatchphraseHomer's 'D'oh!' is globally recognized and used in various contexts to express frustration or disappointment.

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Eat My Shorts!
Tv catchphraseBart's 'Eat My Shorts!' is a rebellious phrase often used to insult or provoke others.

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Ay, Caramba!
PhraseBart's 'Ay, Caramba!' is an expression of surprise or excitement.

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CatchphraseMr. Burns' 'Excellent' is a confident and sinister phrase used when his plans are going well.

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Ha Ha!
CatchphraseNelson's 'Ha Ha!' is a distinctive laugh used to mock others.

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Don't Have a Cow, Man!
PhraseBart's 'Don't Have a Cow, Man!' is used to calm others down.

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Okily Dokily
Tv catchphraseNed Flanders' 'Okily Dokily' is a cheerful way of agreeing or accepting things.

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I Didn't Do It!
Tv catchphraseBart's 'I Didn't Do It!' is a common defense when he's in trouble.

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CatchphraseBart's 'Cowabunga' is an expression of excitement, often used in fun situations.

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Get Bent
Tv catchphraseBart's 'Get Bent' is a phrase used to dismiss or insult someone.

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