The most controversial changes in laws in recent years
Abalos feminist law
ConceptFeminist legal reform

2 votes
Pedro Sanchez's Migration Policy
PolicySpanish migration reforms

1 votes
USA Patriot Act (2001)
LegislationBroadened surveillance powers sparked privacy and civil liberty concerns.

0 votes
Citizens United v. FEC (2010)
CaseLandmark Supreme Court case redefined corporate political speech rights.

0 votes
Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) and Protect IP Act (PIPA) (2011)
LegislationCensorship concerns and widespread online protests sparked heated debate.

0 votes
National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) (2012)
LegislationIndefinite detention of US citizens without trial sparks outrage.

0 votes
UK's Investigatory Powers Act (2016)
LegislationMass surveillance and privacy concerns sparked widespread criticism.

0 votes
India's Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) (2019)
LegislationSparked widespread protests and international human rights concerns.

0 votes
Hong Kong's National Security Law (2020)
LegislationGlobal outcry over erosion of Hong Kong's autonomy.

0 votes
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