The most costly and dangerous cyberattacks in history
Created byBillionhands · 1 votos
Sony Pictures Hack
Data breachRevealed sensitive data, caused $8 million in damages.

1 votes
WannaCry Ransomware Attack
Cyber attackGlobal impact and massive financial losses in 2017.

0 votes
NotPetya Malware Attack
EventCaused $10 billion in damages, global economic disruption.

0 votes
Yahoo Data Breach
Data breachLargest data breach in history, affecting 3 billion users.

0 votes
Equifax Data Breach
Data breachExposed sensitive data of 147 million people, massive financial loss.

0 votes
Stuxnet Worm
MalwareDamaged Iranian nuclear facilities, costing billions in repairs.

0 votes
Target Corporation Data Breach
EventCostly breach exposed 40 million credit/debit card numbers.

0 votes
Heartbleed Bug
VulnerabilityExposed 66% of internet servers to data theft vulnerabilities.
0 votes
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