Top Developers and Key Figures in the History of Programming
John McCarthy
PersonInvented the LISP programming language and coined the term 'Artificial Intelligence'.

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Tim Berners-Lee
PersonInvented the World Wide Web and developed the first web browser and server.

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Bjarne Stroustrup
PersonCreated the C++ programming language.

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Linus Torvalds
PersonCreated the Linux operating system and the Git version control system.

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Grace Hopper
PersonDeveloped the first compiler and contributed to the creation of COBOL.

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Guido van Rossum
PersonCreated the Python programming language.

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Alan Turing
PersonContributed to theoretical computer science, artificial intelligence, and cryptography. Known for the Turing Machine and deciphering the Enigma code.

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Dennis Ritchie
PersonCo-created the C programming language and the Unix operating system.

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Ada Lovelace
PersonConsidered the first computer programmer due to her work on Charles Babbage's Analytical Engine.

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James Gosling
PersonDeveloped the Java programming language.

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