Top Horror Movies With The Best Practical Effects And Makeup
MovieUses practical effects to create disgusting and unsettling alien creatures.

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Evil Dead 2
MovieCombines horror and dark comedy with over-the-top practical effects, making it a cult classic.

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The Thing
MovieFeatures groundbreaking practical effects that create a sense of intense fear and paranoia, with iconic creature transformations.

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An American Werewolf in London
MoviePioneering werewolf transformation sequence that set a new standard for practical effects in horror.

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The Descent
MovieFeatures terrifying cave-dwelling creatures created with impressive practical effects.

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MovieKnown for its gruesome and detailed Cenobite designs, which have become iconic in horror.

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Suspiria (2018)
MovieUtilizes subtle yet powerful makeup effects to enhance its dark and surreal atmosphere.

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The Exorcist
MovieRevolutionized horror with its chilling portrayal of demonic possession, thanks to innovative makeup effects.

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It (2017)
MovieBlends CGI and practical effects to create memorable and terrifying forms of Pennywise.

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The Void
MovieIncorporates Lovecraftian themes with practical effects to create a visually disturbing experience.

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