Top Movies with the Most Shocking Cliffhangers
MovieThe ambiguous ending with the spinning top leaves viewers questioning reality and Cobb's state of mind.

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MovieThe surreal ending where the protagonist jumps out a window, leaving his daughter looking up in a hopeful manner, is both thought-provoking and unsettling.

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It Follows
MovieThe monster's presence at the end leaves viewers wondering if the protagonist is truly safe.

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The Italian Job
MovieThe literal cliffhanger ending with the team's van hanging over a cliff keeps viewers on edge.

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Back to the Future Part II
MovieThe ominous warning from Doc Brown about Marty's future children sets up a compelling narrative for the next film.

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X2: X-Men United
MovieThe Phoenix rising from the water teases a major storyline for the next installment, leaving fans eager for more.

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Shutter Island
MovieThe twist that Teddy is actually a patient at the facility, coupled with his potential relapse, leaves viewers questioning his sanity.

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The Thing
MovieThe final scene's ambiguity about who is human and who is the alien keeps fans theorizing to this day.

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Avengers: Infinity War
MovieThe snap that wiped out half of all life in the universe, leaving fans in shock and anticipation for the sequel.

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Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back
MovieThe revelation that Darth Vader is Luke's father and Han's capture by Boba Fett left audiences stunned and eagerly awaiting the next installment.

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