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Atlantic Ocean

Body of water


The Atlantic Ocean is the second largest of the world's five oceans, covering about 17% of Earth's surface and 24% of its water surface area. It stretches from the Arctic Ocean in the north to the Southern Ocean in the south, separating the Americas from Europe and Africa. The Atlantic includes numerous marginal seas such as the Baltic, North, and Mediterranean Seas. Its average depth is approximately 3,646 meters, with the deepest point being the Puerto Rico Trench at about 8,376 meters. The Atlantic Ocean plays a crucial role in global climate regulation through its currents, including the Gulf Stream. However, it faces environmental challenges like pollution from agricultural runoff and garbage patches. The North Atlantic garbage patch, located within the North Atlantic Gyre, accumulates microplastics, posing risks to marine life. Despite these issues, the Atlantic remains vital for marine biodiversity and global ocean circulation. Its unique geography and ecosystems support a wide range of marine life, making it a significant component of Earth's ecosystem.