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Varial Kickflip

Skateboarding trick


The Varial Kickflip is a dynamic skateboarding trick that combines elements of both the Kickflip and the Pop Shove-it. It involves a horizontal spin, adding complexity to the traditional Kickflip. To execute this trick, skaters must master both the Kickflip and Pop Shove-it, as it requires a simultaneous flick of the front foot and a pop shove-it motion with the back foot. The foot placement is crucial, with the front foot positioned near the bolts and the back foot on the tail. Executing a Varial Kickflip requires precise timing and body positioning. Skaters must jump up and pop the board while flicking it forward with the front foot. The horizontal spin helps disperse the energy, making it easier for some skaters compared to a regular Kickflip. Practice is key to mastering this trick, as it involves coordinating multiple movements simultaneously. The Varial Kickflip is a stepping stone to more advanced tricks like the Tre Flip and is valued for its unique style and challenge.