Iconic Theories About the Formation of the Universe
The Big Bang Theory
Scientific conceptMost widely accepted theory explaining the universe's origin from a singularity.

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The Black Hole Mirage Theory
Cosmological theorySuggests our universe could be a membrane in a higher-dimensional space.

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The Plasma Universe Theory
Cosmological theoryEmphasizes electromagnetic forces over gravity in shaping the cosmos.

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The Holographic Universe Theory
Cosmological theorySuggests the universe is encoded on a two-dimensional surface, a scientifically testable hypothesis.

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The Steady-State Theory
Cosmological theoryProposes continuous creation of matter to maintain constant density despite expansion.

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The Multiverse Theory
ConceptProposes the existence of multiple universes beyond our own, often linked to inflationary models.

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Cosmic Inflation Theory
Scientific conceptExplains the universe's uniformity and structure through rapid early expansion.

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The Big Splat (Ekpyrotic Theory)
Cosmological conceptSuggests the universe's end could be the beginning of a new universe through brane collisions.

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The Slow Freeze Theory
ConceptProposes a cold, slowly evolving universe with no beginning or end.

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Quantum Fluctuation Theory
Cosmological theoryProposes the universe could have formed from a quantum vacuum fluctuation.

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