Leyendas del Deportivo Coruña
PlayerMágico brasileño que conquistó al público coruñés con sus habilidades en el campo

1 votes
Roy Makaay
PlayerDelantero holandés que anotó 22 goles en la temporada 2002-03

1 votes
Juan Carlos Valerón
PlayerCerebro del equipo en la época dorada del Deportivo Coruña

1 votes
Fran González
PlayerLíder del equipo en la década de los 90 y autor del gol del título de Liga en 2000

0 votes
Mauro Silva
FootballerBrazilian footballer and Deportivo legend

0 votes
Walter Pandiani
PersonUruguayan former professional footballer

0 votes
PersonMoroccan former professional footballer

0 votes
Francisco Molina
PersonSpanish footballer and coach

0 votes
Jacques Songo'o
PersonCameroonian former football goalkeeper

0 votes
Diego Tristán
PersonSpanish former footballer

0 votes
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