Most Divisive Political Leaders of the Modern Era
Vladimir Putin
PersonRussian President, accused of authoritarianism

0 votes
Alex Jones
PersonAmerican conspiracy theorist, accused of spreading misinformation

0 votes
Jair Bolsonaro
PersonBrazilian President, known for far-right views

0 votes
Nicolás Maduro
PersonVenezuelan President, criticized for economic crisis

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Marine Le Pen
PersonFrench politician, known for far-right nationalism

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Hugo Chávez
PersonFormer Venezuelan President, criticized for authoritarianism

0 votes
Recep Tayyip Erdogan
PersonTurkish President, accused of human rights abuses

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Donald Trump
Person45th US President, known for polarizing views

0 votes
Rodrigo Duterte
PersonPhilippine President, accused of human rights abuses

0 votes
Silvio Berlusconi
PersonFormer Italian Prime Minister, accused of corruption

0 votes
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