Most Ingenious Squirrel Trap Designs
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PVC Humane Squirrel Trap
Trap designThis trap is easy to build, humane, and doesn't require springs or levers. It uses body weight to close the door, ensuring safe capture and release.
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Vent Pipe Squirrel Trap
ConceptA simple, humane design using a vent pipe. It tips back and forth, closing the door with the squirrel's body weight, making it easy to release the animal.
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DIY Catch Alive Squirrel Trap
DeviceThis trap is made from simple materials like wood and hardware cloth. It's easy to build and humane, making it suitable for catching and releasing squirrels alive.
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See-Saw Trigger Squirrel Trap
Trap designUses a see-saw mechanism with a trigger to catch squirrels. It's a homemade design that can be effective with proper setup.
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Critter Getter Wooden Squirrel Trap
Trap designA sturdy, box-style wooden trap that humanely dispatches rodents by triggering when bait is pulled. Effective for squirrels and similar-sized animals.
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