Experiments That Revolutionized Science
Michelson–Morley Experiment
Physics experimentChallenged the theory of luminiferous aether, contributing to the development of relativity.

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Edwin Hubble's Redshift Observation
Astronomy observationProvided evidence for the expanding universe, supporting the Big Bang theory.

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Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson's Cosmic Microwave Background Detection
Astronomy observationConfirmed the Big Bang theory by detecting cosmic microwave background radiation.

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Large Hadron Collider (Higgs Boson Discovery)
Physics experimentConfirmed the existence of the Higgs Boson, explaining mass in the universe.

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Galileo's Falling Objects Experiment
Physics experimentProved that objects fall at the same speed, challenging Aristotelian views.

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Ernest Rutherford's Gold-Foil Experiment
Physics experimentDiscovered the atomic nucleus, revolutionizing atomic theory.

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Enrico Fermi's Nuclear Chain Reaction
Physics experimentDemonstrated controlled nuclear fission, leading to nuclear power and weapons.

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Michael Faraday's Electromagnetic Induction Experiment
Physics experimentShowed that electric and magnetic fields are linked, enabling electric generators.

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Miller–Urey Experiment
Chemistry experimentDemonstrated that organic compounds can form from inorganic substances.

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J.J. Thomson's Cathode Ray Tube Experiment
Physics experimentDiscovered the electron, a fundamental particle in physics.

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