Major Scientific Experiments That Challenged the Established
Henri Becquerel's Radioactivity Discovery
Scientific conceptAccidentally discovered radioactivity, revolutionizing nuclear physics.

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Michelson-Morley Experiment
Scientific experimentChallenged the existence of luminiferous aether, paving the way for Einstein's theory of relativity.

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Penzias and Wilson's Cosmic Microwave Background
Scientific discoveryProvided evidence for the Big Bang theory, challenging steady-state models.

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Otto Hahn and Fritz Strassmann's Nuclear Fission
Scientific conceptDemonstrated nuclear fission, contrary to initial expectations of creating heavier elements.

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Louis Pasteur's Germ Theory Experiments
Scientific conceptDisproved spontaneous generation, establishing germ theory as a cornerstone of biology.

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Ernest Rutherford's Gold Foil Experiment
Scientific experimentLed to the discovery of the atomic nucleus, challenging the plum pudding model.

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Stanley Prusiner's Prion Research
Scientific conceptIdentified infectious proteins, challenging traditional views on disease agents.

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Alexander Fleming's Penicillin Discovery
Scientific discoveryAccidentally discovered penicillin, transforming antibiotic treatment.

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Darwin's Evolution by Natural Selection
Scientific conceptChallenged creationist views with a naturalistic explanation for species diversity.

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Lynn Margulis's Symbiogenesis Theory
Scientific conceptProposed that cells evolved through symbiotic relationships, challenging traditional views on cell evolution.

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