Philosophical Dilemmas in Science Fiction: Identity and Consciousness
Digital Consciousness in *Altered Carbon*
Literary workExamines the implications of storing human consciousness digitally and transferring it between bodies

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Free Will vs. Determinism in *Minority Report*
ConceptRaises questions about the balance between free will and determinism in a future where crimes can be predicted

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Human vs. Android Identity in *Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?*
ConceptQuestions the distinction between human and android identities, raising ethical concerns about their treatment

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Personal Identity in Brain Transplants
Philosophical conceptRaises questions about what constitutes personal identity when the brain is transplanted into a new body, as explored in Dennett's 'Where Am I?'

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Human Evolution and Identity in *Childhood’s End*
Literary workExamines the transformation of human identity through evolution into a collective consciousness

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The Nature of Self in Split-Brain Cases
Philosophical conceptExplores the concept of self through the phenomenon of split-brain patients, as discussed by Derek Parfit

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Identity Crisis in *Flow My Tears, The Policeman Said*
Literary workExplores themes of identity loss and the search for self in a world where one's existence is erased

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Perception and Reality in *The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch*
Literary workChallenges perceptions of reality through a hallucinatory world, questioning the nature of existence

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Consciousness in Simulated Realities (*Simulacron 3*)
Literary workExplores the nature of consciousness within simulated realities, challenging perceptions of reality

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The Ethics of AI Autonomy in *Robopocalypse*
ConceptRaises questions about the ethics of creating autonomous AI and the potential dangers it poses

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