Top Movies with the Most Surprising Endings
Avengers: Infinity War
MovieThe shocking snap that wipes out half of all life is a monumental cliffhanger.

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MovieThe reverse narrative and the twist about Leonard's wife's death are mind-bending.

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Primal Fear
MovieThe twist involving the protagonist's multiple personalities is a stunning courtroom revelation.

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The Usual Suspects
MovieThe iconic twist revealing Verbal Kint as Keyser Söze is a masterclass in storytelling.

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MovieThe gruesome and unexpected twist involving Mills' wife is a chilling conclusion.

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MovieThe disturbing twist involving the protagonist's relationship with Mi-do is both shocking and tragic.

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Invasion of the Body Snatchers
MovieThe chilling ending where Michael reveals his transformation is a classic horror moment.

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Fight Club
MovieThe shocking revelation that the Narrator and Tyler Durden are the same person is a cultural phenomenon.

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The Sixth Sense
MovieM. Night Shyamalan's reveal that Bruce Willis's character is a ghost is a legendary plot twist.

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The Mist
MovieThe bleak and unexpected ending, differing from the original novella, leaves viewers stunned.

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