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Lipinski Stradivarius

Musical instrument


The Lipinski Stradivarius is a 1715 violin crafted by Antonio Stradivari, one of the most renowned luthiers in history. Built during Stradivari's "golden period," it is considered a particularly fine example among the fewer than 650 extant Stradivarius violins. The violin's early history includes ownership by virtuoso Giuseppe Tartini, known for his "Devil's Trill" sonata. It later became associated with Polish violinist Karol Lipinski, who received it in the early 19th century. The Lipinski Stradivarius gained recent fame due to its theft in 2014. Frank Almond, concertmaster of the Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra, was attacked with a stun gun, and the violin was stolen. Following a significant investigation involving the FBI, the violin was recovered, and the perpetrators were arrested. The instrument is valued at over $5 million and is celebrated for its historical significance and musical quality. Its recovery highlighted the challenges of selling such a valuable and well-known instrument on the black market.