Top Most Famous Violins in Classical and Modern Music
Marsick Stradivarius
Musical instrumentPlayed by David Oistrakh, known for its powerful sound.

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Messiah Stradivarius
Musical instrumentConsidered one of the finest violins ever made, known for its exceptional tone and craftsmanship.

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Vieuxtemps Guarneri del Gesù
Musical instrumentValued at $16 million, known for its powerful sound and historical significance.

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ex-David Guarneri del Gesù
Musical instrumentPlayed by Jascha Heifetz, known for its flawless sound.

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Hercules Stradivarius
Musical instrumentPart of the Israel Philharmonic’s collection, known for its rich history.

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Soil Stradivarius
Musical instrumentPlayed by Itzhak Perlman, known for its rich tone.

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Gibson ex-Huberman Stradivarius
Musical instrumentTwice stolen, now played by Joshua Bell.

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Il Cannone Guarneri del Gesù
Musical instrumentPlayed by Niccolò Paganini, known for its powerful sound.

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Lipinski Stradivarius
Musical instrumentFamous for being stolen and recovered, played by Frank Almond.

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Lord Dunn-Raven Stradivarius
Musical instrumentPlayed by Anne-Sophie Mutter, known for its exceptional tone.

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