Best Nespresso Capsule Combinations for a Perfect Cup
Nespresso Golden Caramel
Coffee capsuleSweet and creamy, perfect for caramel lattes.

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Nespresso Livanto
Coffee capsuleVersatile for espresso and lattes with a balanced flavor.

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Nespresso Vaniglia
Coffee capsuleSubtle vanilla flavor, ideal for lattes and cappuccinos.

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Nespresso Freddo Intenso
Coffee capsuleIdeal for iced coffee with a strong and intense flavor.

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Nespresso Ispirazione Venezia
Coffee capsuleIdeal for cappuccinos and lattes with caramel and cereal notes.

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Nespresso Original Ristretto Italiano
Coffee capsuleBest for lattes with a strong, fruity flavor.

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Nespresso Ispirazione Kazaar
Coffee capsuleStrong and spicy, suitable for those who prefer intense flavors.

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Nespresso Firenze Arpeggio
Coffee capsuleSuitable for Americanos with intense, grilled flavors.

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Nespresso Double Espresso Scuro
Coffee capsuleRich and balanced, suitable for espresso and iced coffee.

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Nespresso Ispirazione Roma
Coffee capsuleBest for cappuccinos with sweet and woody notes.

0 votes
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