Iconic Healing Traditions
Healing traditionA holistic Mexican healing tradition combining indigenous knowledge with Catholicism.

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Lanna Rituals
Healing ritualTraditional Thai healing methods involving herbal poultices and spiritual massages.

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Healing systemOne of the oldest healing systems, focusing on balancing body energies through diet, massage, and meditation.

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Massage techniqueAn ancient Hawaiian massage technique that incorporates spiritual elements for healing.

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Shamanic Healing (Q'ero)
Shamanic practiceAncient Peruvian healing practices using natural elements and spiritual rituals.

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Purification ceremonyA traditional Mexican sweat lodge ceremony for purification and healing.

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Apache Burden Baskets
Spiritual ritualA symbolic ritual for releasing worries and emotional burdens.

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Jade Rolling
Facial treatmentA traditional Chinese facial massage technique believed to improve skin health.

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Art formA meditative Japanese art form that promotes inner peace through flower arrangement.

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Mayan Holistic Healing
Holistic healingCombines herbalism, spirituality, and rituals to restore life force balance.

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