Major Astronomical Events That Amazed Humanity
Total Solar Eclipse (Various)
Solar eclipseA rare and awe-inspiring event where the Moon completely covers the Sun, revealing the Sun's corona.

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Leonid Meteor Shower Peak (1966)
Meteor showerProduced one of the most spectacular meteor storms in history, with thousands of meteors per hour.

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Naked Eye Level Supernova (1604)
SupernovaThe last supernova visible to the naked eye in our galaxy, briefly outshining all stars.

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Venus at Greatest Brightness (2025)
Planetary eventVenus reaches its brightest point, outshining all celestial bodies except the Sun and Moon.

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Saturn Opposition (2025)
Planetary eventSaturn reaches opposition, appearing brighter and closer to Earth, ideal for viewing its rings.

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Perseid Meteor Shower (Annual)
Meteor showerOne of the most popular and spectacular meteor showers, known for producing up to 100 meteors per hour.

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Geminid Meteor Shower (Annual)
Meteor showerConsistently one of the best meteor showers, often producing over 120 meteors per hour.

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Super Blue Moon (2037)
Lunar eventA rare combination of a full moon, supermoon, and blue moon, occurring about once every ten years.

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Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn (2020)
Astronomical eventThis rare event, occurring once every 20 years, saw Jupiter and Saturn appear extremely close, reminiscent of the 'Christmas Star'.

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Planetary Alignment of Seven Visible Planets (2025)
Astronomical alignmentA rare alignment featuring all seven visible planets in a breathtaking arc.

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