Most Influential Political Figures in European History
Created byBillionhands · 1 votos
Margaret Thatcher
PersonBritish Prime Minister who championed free market

1 votes
Adolf Hitler
PersonGerman dictator who led Nazi regime

0 votes
Catherine the Great
PersonRussian Empress who expanded empire's borders

0 votes
Otto von Bismarck
PersonGerman Chancellor who unified Germany

0 votes
Vladimir Lenin
PersonRussian revolutionary who founded the Soviet Union

0 votes
Joseph Stalin
PersonSoviet leader who shaped Eastern Europe's fate

0 votes
Napoleon Bonaparte
PersonFrench Emperor who conquered much of Europe

0 votes
Franz Ferdinand
PersonAustro-Hungarian Archduke whose assassination sparked WWI

0 votes
Winston Churchill
PersonBritish Prime Minister who led UK through WWII

0 votes
Charles de Gaulle
PersonFrench President who led post-WWII reconstruction

0 votes
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