The World's Most Impressive Iconic Animal Migrations
Dragonfly (Globe Skimmer)
Insect speciesCompletes the longest known insect migration, spanning 14,000 to 18,000 km across multiple generations.

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AnimalParticipates in the Great Migration, one of the largest animal migrations, covering over 1,600 km.

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Humpback Whale
Animal speciesUndertakes the longest migration of any mammal, traveling over 9,800 km to reach breeding and feeding grounds.

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Monarch Butterfly
Animal speciesCompletes an impressive multi-generational migration of up to 4,000 km from North America to Mexico.

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Leatherback Sea Turtle
Animal speciesTravels up to 16,000 km annually, crossing entire ocean basins to reach feeding and breeding grounds.

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Sooty Shearwater
Animal speciesCompletes the second-longest migration, traveling around 65,000 km annually.

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Caribou (Reindeer)
Animal speciesMakes one of the longest land migrations, covering up to 4,300 km annually.

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Arctic Tern
Bird speciesHolds the record for the longest migration of any animal, traveling up to 71,000 km annually.

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Chinook Salmon
Animal speciesTravels up to 3,000 km upstream to spawn in their birthplace, overcoming numerous obstacles.

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Bar-headed Goose
Bird speciesFlies over the Himalayas at altitudes of over 7,000 meters, making it the highest migrant.

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