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  • Asteroids

Top Meteorite and Asteroid Impacts in Earth's History

Created byBillionhands · 0 votos

Popigai Crater Impact

Asteroid impact

Impact in Siberia, estimated to be 5-8 km in diameter, occurring around the same time as the Chesapeake Bay impact.

Popigai Crater Impact cover

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Chesapeake Bay Impact

Asteroid impact

Impact creating the Chesapeake Bay, occurring about 35 million years ago, with a crater about 40 km in diameter.

Chesapeake Bay Impact cover

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Chicxulub Impact

Asteroid impact

Caused the extinction of dinosaurs, with a crater about 180 km in diameter, occurring 66 million years ago.

Chicxulub Impact cover

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Tunguska Event

Astronomical event

Massive explosion in Siberia in 1908, flattening trees over an area of 2,150 square kilometers.

Tunguska Event cover

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Chelyabinsk Meteor

Asteroid event

Explosion over Russia in 2013, injuring over 1,500 people and damaging thousands of buildings.

Chelyabinsk Meteor cover

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Sudbury Basin Impact

Geological feature

One of the oldest and largest impact craters, estimated to be 6-9 miles in diameter, occurring about 1.8 billion years ago.

Sudbury Basin Impact cover

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Theia Impact

Astronomical event

Hypothesized to have formed the Moon, involving a Mars-sized object colliding with Earth about 4.5 billion years ago.

Theia Impact cover

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Vredefort Impact

Geological feature

Largest verified impact structure on Earth, estimated to be 170-300 km in diameter, occurring about 2 billion years ago.

Vredefort Impact cover

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Yarrabubba Impact

Asteroid impact

Oldest known impact structure on Earth, occurring about 2.229 billion years ago.

Yarrabubba Impact cover

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Meteor Crater Impact


Well-preserved crater in Arizona, created by an iron asteroid about 50 meters in diameter, occurring about 50,000 years ago.

Meteor Crater Impact cover

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