Main Vaccinations and Health Requirements for International Travel
Japanese Encephalitis Vaccine
Medical conceptRecommended for travelers to rural areas of Asia where the disease is prevalent.

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Rabies Vaccine
Medical conceptRecommended for travelers who will be spending time outdoors or around animals in areas where rabies is common.

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Meningococcal Vaccine
Medical conceptRequired for travelers to certain regions like the 'meningitis belt' in Africa and for pilgrims to the Hajj.

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Yellow Fever Vaccine
Medical conceptRequired for entry into certain countries with yellow fever risk, such as parts of Africa and South America.

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Malaria Prophylaxis
ConceptRecommended for travelers to areas with malaria risk, such as parts of Africa and Asia.

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Hepatitis A Vaccine
Medical vaccineRecommended for all international travelers due to the risk of hepatitis A worldwide.

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International Certificate of Vaccination (ICV)
DocumentRequired for entry into some countries, especially those requiring yellow fever vaccination proof.

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Hepatitis B Vaccine
Medical conceptRecommended for travelers to areas with high hepatitis B prevalence, especially if engaging in high-risk activities.

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Typhoid Vaccine
Medical conceptCommonly recommended for travelers to Asia and South America due to the prevalence of typhoid fever.

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Polio Vaccine
Medical conceptRecommended for travelers to areas with ongoing polio transmission, with a booster possibly required.

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