Most Influential Presidents in Latin American History
Julio Argentino Roca (Argentina)
PersonUnified Argentina and promoted economic growth

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Getúlio Vargas (Brazil)
PersonLed Brazil's industrialization and implemented social reforms

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Rafael Núñez (Colombia)
PersonUnified Colombia and promoted economic development

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Rómulo Betancourt (Venezuela)
PersonEstablished democracy in Venezuela and promoted social justice

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Antonio Guzmán Blanco (Venezuela)
PersonModernized Venezuela's infrastructure and promoted education

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Juan Domingo Perón (Argentina)
PersonImplemented populist policies and improved workers' rights

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Porfirio Díaz (Mexico)
PersonImplemented modernization policies and promoted economic growth

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José Figueres Ferrer (Costa Rica)
PersonLed Costa Rica to democracy and abolished its army

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Efraín Ríos Montt (Guatemala)
PersonImplemented economic reforms and improved human rights

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Lázaro Cárdenas (Mexico)
PersonNationalized Mexico's oil industry and implemented land reform

0 votes
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