Best Hygiene and Prevention Practices
Nail Care
Nail careKeeping nails clean and short reduces the risk of infections.

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Proper Diaper Hygiene
Diaper hygieneSafe diapering practices prevent the spread of germs and infections in infants.

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Restful Sleep
Health practiceGetting adequate sleep is essential for overall health and well-being.

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Body Hygiene
Body hygieneRegular bathing and showering maintain cleanliness and prevent body odor.

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Regular Health Check-Ups
Health checkupRegular visits to healthcare providers help in early detection and treatment of illnesses.

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Surface Cleaning
Cleaning practiceRegularly cleaning frequently touched surfaces helps prevent the spread of germs.

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Infant Feeding Hygiene
Infant feeding hygieneProper cleaning and sanitizing of infant feeding items prevent contamination.

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Hand Washing
Hygiene practiceRegular hand washing is crucial for preventing the spread of diseases by removing germs from hands.

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Dental Hygiene
Dental hygieneBrushing and flossing teeth regularly helps prevent oral diseases and bad breath.

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Covering Coughs and Sneezes
Prevention methodCovering coughs and sneezes prevents the spread of respiratory viruses.

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