Best Sales Closing Techniques
The Summary Close
ConceptReiterates benefits and value to reinforce the purchase decision.

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The Question Close
ConceptUses strategic questions to guide the prospect towards a decision.

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The Ben Franklin Close
ConceptLists pros and cons to logically justify the purchase.

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The Artisan Close
Sales techniqueHighlights craftsmanship and effort invested in the product.

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The Assumptive Close
ConceptAssumes the sale is a done deal, focusing on implementation details.

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The Take Away Close
Sales techniqueCreates a sense of scarcity by threatening to withdraw the offer.

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The Hard Close
Sales techniqueDirectly asks for the sale, often used when interest is high.

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The Something For Nothing Close
Sales techniqueOffers additional value to create a sense of obligation.

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The Puppy Dog Close
Sales techniqueAllows prospects to try the product, creating a sense of ownership.

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The Now-or-Never Close
ConceptCreates urgency with limited-time offers.

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