Iconic Exotic Fruits and Vegetables with Unique Flavors
FruitSweet and succulent, similar to lychee but smaller and drier.

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FruitThe largest tree-borne fruit, used as a vegan meat substitute due to its versatile flavor.

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Kiwano (Horned Melon)
FruitUnique appearance with a taste similar to lemony cucumber.

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FruitTangy flavor with a star-shaped cross-section, often used in salads.

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FruitLarge green fruit with a sweet and tangy flavor, used in smoothies and desserts.

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Dragon Fruit
FruitColorful fruit with a subtle flavor, similar in texture to kiwifruit.

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FruitSoft, custard-like flesh with a taste of banana, pineapple, and bubblegum.

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FruitTastes like a combination of pineapple, cherimoya, and tangerine, with powerful antioxidant properties.

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FruitKnown as the 'King of Fruits', durian is infamous for its strong odor and creamy, custard-like flesh.

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Passion Fruit
FruitTart and juicy, often used in desserts and juices.

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