Main Philosophical Currents Transforming Human Thought
Philosophical conceptChallenged traditional notions of truth and reality, impacting cultural and intellectual discourse.

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Philosophical conceptFocused on the study of conscious experience, influencing existentialism and hermeneutics.

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Philosophical conceptTaught acceptance and resilience, impacting personal and societal ethics.

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Kantian Ethics
Philosophical conceptProvided a universal moral framework, shaping modern ethical debates.

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Philosophical conceptEmphasized harmony with nature and simplicity, influencing Eastern thought and culture.

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Logical Positivism
Philosophical conceptInfluenced the development of analytic philosophy and scientific methodology.

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Philosophical conceptFocused on moral values and social order, profoundly impacting East Asian cultures.

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ConceptCritiqued capitalism and influenced political and economic thought globally.

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Philosophical conceptFocused on individual freedom and choice, influencing modern thought on meaning and purpose.

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Socratic Method
ConceptRevolutionized Western philosophy by emphasizing reason and self-reflection.

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