Iconic Stretching and Mobility Techniques for Injury Prevention
Walking Lunges
ExerciseImproves balance and targets the quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes.

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Butterfly Stretch
ExerciseExcellent for stretching the groin area, reducing the risk of groin pulls.

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Downward Dog
Yoga poseStretches the entire back side of the body and relieves tension in the shoulders and lower back.

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Iron Cross Stretch
ExerciseStretches the spine and hips, beneficial for athletes with hip stiffness or lower back pain.

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Runner’s Lunge
ExerciseTargets hip flexors and improves flexibility, crucial for runners and athletes.

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Chest and Shoulder Wall Stretch
ExerciseRelieves tension in the chest and shoulders, improving posture.

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Seated Glutes Stretch
ExerciseHelps maintain flexibility in the glutes and outer hip muscles.

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Leg Swings
ExerciseEffective for warming up the legs and improving flexibility in the quadriceps, hamstrings, and groin muscles.

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Frog Stretch
ExerciseEnhances hip flexibility and is beneficial for dancers and climbers.

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Arm Circles
ExerciseEnhances shoulder mobility and prepares the upper body for physical activity.

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