Best Stretching Exercises Recommended by Physical Therapists
Hamstring Stretch
Stretching exerciseImproves flexibility in the back of the thigh, reducing lower back pain and posture issues.

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Hip Flexor Stretch
Stretching exerciseRelieves tension in the front of the hip, beneficial for those who sit for long periods.

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Shoulder Stretch
Stretching exerciseRelieves tension in the shoulders and upper back, ideal for desk workers.

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Quadriceps Stretch
Stretching exerciseHelps loosen the quadriceps and hip flexors, essential for runners and cyclists.

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Piriformis Stretch
Stretching exerciseRelieves tension in the lower back, piriformis, and glutes, useful for sciatic pain.

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Calf Stretch
Stretching exercisePrevents Achilles tendonitis and other lower leg injuries by stretching calf muscles.

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Single Knee-to-Chest Stretch
Stretching exerciseLoosens the lumbar fascia and improves circulation to the back muscles.

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Cat-Cow Stretch
Stretching exerciseImproves spinal mobility and releases tension in the neck, back, and abdomen.

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Lumbar Trunk Rotation
Stretching exerciseLoosens the lower back and improves spinal mobility.

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Downward Dog Stretch
Stretching exerciseStretches the entire lower body, including calves, and improves spinal flexibility.

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